My Backyard Nature

its all about nature!

Pollinators and Beneficial Insects in My Yard!

Last year I had so much wildlife in my yard, I was so happy and I think I only managed to picture perhaps half of them…even after lurking behind the garden to find them for hours on end..!! I had so many caterpillars, butterflies, moths, larvae, pupae, eggs, lizards, birds, beetles, spiders, grasshoppers, wasps, and so many kinds of bees, etc.

This year on the contrary although the spring had begun I don’t see as many movements as I did last year but I am hopeful they will show up sooner if not later!

Tried to save this Cabbage White Moth who was out in the hot summer sun by providing some sugar nectar. Unfortunately he didn’t make it!
Cabbage white Moth
June Beetle On California Native Wild Rosebush
June Beetle on a Moringa tree
Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar on a Green Pepper plant
Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar on a green pepper plant
Painted Lady Butterfly on Moringa flower
Painted Lady Butterfly enjoying the nectar from a Moringa flower
Monarch Caterpillar underneath the California Native Narrowleaf Milkweed
Monarch caterpillar
Fresh Monarch Pupae
Tried to save this Monarch Pupae
Unfortunately it didn’t make it.
Dead Monarch Pupae
SaltMarsh Caterpillar on Chapparal honey suckle
Carpenter Bee on Moringa tree
SaltMarsh Caterpillar on Chappral Honeysuckle plant
Carpenter Bee on a Moringa tree
Orb weaver spider on Lemon tree
Rabbitbush Hooded Owlet on Seaside Daisy
Rabbitbush Hooded Owlet on a Seaside Daisy
Fiery Skipper Butterfly on California Native Wild Rosebush
A Juvenile Green Valley Grasshopper on a California Bush Sunflower
A Juvenile Green Valley Grasshopper on a California Bush Sunflower
Horace’s Duskywing Butterfly On Chapparal Honeysuckle
Tachinid fly larvae on a Milkweed plant!
Found this Large Milkweed Bug on the milkweed, it got annoyed when i tried to take pictures.

GrayBird Grasshopper clinging onto our sliding door net! They are always in our mint bush!

Bumble Bee on a California Native Wild Rose….We have so many bumblebees in our yard during spring…it is literally buzzing…

Rescued Toltec Scoliid Wasp from our swimming pool, was almost drowning, and reached a toy boat to rescue him!
Western Giant Swallowtail Caterpillar

I am hopeful I will find even more beneficial wildlife this year and in the coming years to glorify my garden!! Growing a native garden has not only given me happiness but also provided me with so much in-depth insight into their lives!

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