My Backyard Nature

its all about nature!

Repurposing old tree stump

I had this rubber tree that was taking up all the space and sun in my yard, was also a non-native tree so we decided to get rid of it!!

Old rubber tree

After that we cut the trunk down to use it as a stepping stone for the garden…we drilled each stone with several holes in them so they can be helpful to native bees and they love to build nests in hollows…🐝

Wooden Stepping stones

The stump remained and tried to cover it with a plastic bag so that it will die away but regardless it kept rebudding so then decided to repurpose it and decorate it. So I bought myself some glass/mosaic tiles and cement/stucco patch. Came up with the idea of the sun and stars which is pretty odd considering the combination. But it came out not so bad….

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